Blog Update: Now Entering Year Two

This blog had its first anniversary last week, but I didn’t see any reason to commemorate the occasion. I haven’t updated it in quite some time, and it’s been even longer since I kept to any sort of regular posting schedule. I’ve been busy with other things that take up most of my time and energy, so I don’t currently have any plans to resume a regular schedule. That could change in the future, but even if you don’t see any updates here, I’ll still be around.

If I do start writing here again, my approach will be different. This is a largely meta issue. Over the last year, I’ve had plenty of occasions for critical self-examination. When I reread many of my old posts, I often find myself wanting to facepalm at how I went about making my points. While my main ideas may have been fine, how I expressed them belies the uncomfortable presence of erroneous (even prejudicial) preconceptions. Ableism, for example, was a thing that I hadn’t ever thought about, and it shows.

It might be interesting to revisit some of my old posts at some point to address the problems I was previously ignorant of, but until that happens, let this blog stand as a testament to the progress a person can make in a year, provided they don’t try to hide behind a screen of motivated reasoning.

Happy late birthday, Subjunctive Morality.

Vacation? More like Vac-ire-tion!

Things have been pretty quiet here lately because things in meatspace have been thoroughly busy. I’ve been collecting articles that have invoked my ire over the past couple weeks, and I’d been planning to use them as the foundation for an angry rant, but something tells me that I won’t run out of material any time soon. So without further ado, here’s a list of things that are highly likely to piss off anyone who experiences feelings. Perhaps you’ll notice a common theme?

Pakistan: Wife in disputed marriage gunned down in court by her brother

Mother Faces Death By Stoning In Sudan

Pak policeman kills sister for wearing jeans

The Freedom of the Hijab

Group wants to strip away all public expressions of faith

Man accused of killing sister while on bail

Pregnant Dominican girl dies as abortion ban delays leukemia treatment

I figure I’ll be back to more frequent updates in about a week.


Whoa, this page looks different!

Rest assured that you’re in the right place! I wasn’t really happy with my old theme. I’m not 100% in love with this one either, but I think I like it more. I’ll keep trying to tweak it to see if I can make it super awesome. If not, I may change it up again in the near future. Bear with me.

Why I’m Writing

Read this piece that the JREF put out this week.

“Because there is orders of magnitude more pseudoscience than science out there, we are always too busy shooting down the junk to do much else. It is imperative that we continue to do this, but if we want people to understand the full range of skepticism we have to also stress the affirmatives. We need to live up to the charge of promoting science and critical thinking.”

I was once met with the following exclamation: “Well, you’ve gone to great lengths to tell me what you don’t believe, but what do you believe?” This blog is in large part an answer to that question (especially the foundational category).